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Author: Scuba Dive Marketing

scrambled egg nudibranch philippines

Discovering Nudibranchs in Boracay: The Colorful Characters of the Reef

scrambled egg nudibranch philippines

Discovering Nudibranchs in Boracay: The Colorful Characters of the Reef

When you think of Boracay, it’s easy to picture its stunning white sand beaches and crystal-clear waters. But for divers, there’s a whole other world to explore beneath the waves—one that’s just as vibrant and exciting. Among the many wonders of Boracay’s underwater realm are the tiny, colorful creatures known as nudibranchs. These sea slugs, often called the jewels of the sea, are a must-see for any diver exploring the area.

What Are Nudibranchs?

Nudibranchs are soft-bodied marine gastropods, and their name literally means “naked gills.” Unlike other mollusks, they don’t have a shell. What they lack in protection, they make up for in stunning colors and intricate patterns, making them one of the most sought-after subjects for underwater photographers. Each species of nudibranch is unique, with a dazzling array of shapes, sizes, and colors that serve both as camouflage and as a warning to predators that they might not be a tasty meal.

Boracay, with its rich coral reefs and diverse marine life, is home to several species of nudibranchs. Here are some of the fascinating nudibranchs you might encounter while diving in Boracay, along with their common names and why they’re called that.

scrambled egg nudibranch philippinesThe Scrambled Egg Nudibranch (Phyllidia varicosa)

The Scrambled Egg Nudibranch is one of the most eye-catching nudibranchs you can find in Boracay. Its body is a mix of blue-grey with distinctive black lines running along its length, topped with bright yellow tubercles that resemble—you guessed it—scrambled eggs. This quirky name reflects the unique appearance of the yellow-tipped bumps on its back, which look like they could have come straight from the breakfast table. The Scrambled Egg Nudibranch is often found on or near sponges, which form a crucial part of its diet.

purple nudibranchThe Purple Nudibranch (Hypselodoris apolegma)

The Hypselodoris apolegma, commonly known as the Purple Nudibranch or Purple Hypselodoris. This species is well-known for its striking and vibrant coloration, featuring a deep purple or violet body with bright yellow or orange spots. The edges of the mantle are often a lighter shade of lavender or white, adding to its stunning appearance.

The Purple Nudibranch is a favorite among underwater photographers due to its vivid colors and the beautiful contrast it creates against the reef. It is commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region, including the waters around Boracay. This nudibranch often feeds on sponges, and its bold coloration serves as a warning to predators that it might be toxic or distasteful. If you’re diving in Boracay, keep an eye out for this magnificent little creature—it’s one of the true gems of the underwater world!

The Blue Dragon Nudibranch (Chromodoris annae)

The Blue Dragon Nudibranch is as mythical-looking as its name suggests. With a brilliant blue body accented by black stripes and yellow or orange edges, this nudibranch truly stands out against the coral backdrop. The name “Blue Dragon” comes from its vibrant blue coloration and its slightly dragon-like appearance when it moves through the water. It’s one of the more common species in the region and a favorite among divers for its striking beauty.

The Magnificent Chromodoris (Chromodoris magnifica)

The Magnificent Chromodoris lives up to its name with bold and beautiful coloring. This nudibranch is adorned with orange, black, and white stripes that make it one of the most visually striking sea slugs around. Its “magnificent” title is well-deserved, as its bright colors and elegant patterns make it a true showstopper on any dive.

Bullock’s Hypselodoris (Hypselodoris bullockii)

Bullock’s Hypselodoris is a bit more subtle in its beauty, but no less captivating. This nudibranch often comes in shades of pink, lavender, or purple, with white or yellow-tipped rhinophores and gills. While it might not have a flashy common name, its delicate colors and slender shape make it a standout. The common name honors the scientist who first described the species, adding a personal touch to its identity.

leopard nudibranch philippinesThe Leopard Nudibranch (Risbecia tryoni)

The Leopard Nudibranch is named for its spotted pattern, which resembles the coat of a leopard. This nudibranch has a pale body with brown spots outlined in purple, making it easy to spot (pun intended) against the coral. The Leopard Nudibranch is a beautiful example of how nature imitates some of the most iconic patterns found on land, bringing a touch of the wild into the underwater world.

The Variable Neon Slug (Nembrotha kubaryana)

The Variable Neon Slug is a dazzling nudibranch known for its vibrant, glowing colors. Typically dark green or black with bright orange or red markings, this nudibranch almost seems to have its own internal light source, making it look like it’s glowing underwater. The name “Neon Slug” perfectly captures its otherworldly appearance, which makes it a favorite among divers who love to spot unique and colorful marine life.

The Black-Margined Glossodoris (Glossodoris atromarginata)

The Black-Margined Glossodoris is named for the distinctive black edge that runs along the frilly margin of its body. This cream-colored nudibranch has a delicate, lacy appearance that’s both elegant and striking. The contrast between the pale body and the dark margin creates a beautiful, almost floral effect that’s a delight to discover on a dive.

The Pink Phyllidiella (Phyllidiella pustulosa)

The Pink Phyllidiella is another nudibranch that’s easy to spot due to its vibrant coloring. It’s typically darker in hue, with pinkish tubercles that dot its body. While it might not have as flashy a common name as some of the others, the Pink Nudibranch’s subtle beauty makes it a delightful find during a dive.

lacy nudibranch philippinesThe Lacy Nudibranch (Halgerda batangas)

The Lacy Nudibranch is as delicate and intricate as its name suggests. With a translucent body adorned with orange-tipped tubercles and a network of lines that resemble lace, this nudibranch is a work of art. It’s often found on coral reefs, where its intricate patterns blend in with the surrounding environment. The name “Lacy Nudibranch” reflects both its delicate appearance and the intricate beauty of its natural design.

Exploring Nudibranchs with New Wave Divers

At New Wave Divers in Boracay, we love introducing our guests to the incredible diversity of marine life that calls our waters home. Nudibranchs are just one of the many highlights you can expect to encounter on a dive with us. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a beginner, spotting these colorful sea slugs is always a thrill. Their unique patterns and vibrant colors make every dive a new adventure, full of discovery and wonder.

So, next time you’re diving in Boracay, keep an eye out for these fascinating creatures. With their bright colors and intricate designs, nudibranchs are a reminder of the beauty and diversity that thrives beneath the waves. Happy diving!

08/20/2024 Dive Log – Balinghai

Dive Log: 08/20/2024

Dive Site Name: Balinghai

Dive Depth: 17.8

Dive Duration: 51 mn

About The Dive: I guided Emmanuele, a certified diver this morning to Balinghai. Balinghai is a wall dive and often a drift dive. The beginning of the dive is a shallow plateau at 10 metres. Then we reach the wall. The wall go down to 25 metres. We stayed above 18 meters to follow open water diver standard.
Lots of beautiful hard and soft corals to see on this dive as well as sponge barrels. The reef is home of a huge variety of fish like clown fish, trumpet fish, reef grouper, hawksbill and green turtle. We actually saw a young hawksbill turtle that we followed for a few minutes.
Overall, it was a very relaxing gentle drift dive.

08/18/2024 Dive Log – Balinghai

Dive Log: 08/18/2024

Dive Site Name: Balinghai

Dive Depth: 11.7

Dive Duration: 44 mn

About The Dive: We had a beautiful dive on Balinghai today. I was guiding 13 years old Charlie and his dad Daniel. They had a few dive with us at the same the mum, Wen was doing the advanced open water course.
Balinghai is usually a wall dive but as Charlie is 12 years old we stayed above 12 metres which is the limit for him. The top of the wall make a wide plateau covered with coral. There is lot of marine life like clown fish, puffer fish, trigger fish and we saw 3 turtles. 2 hawksbill and 1 green turtle.
Over it was a very nice and relaxing dive.

night diving boracay mandarin fish

Night Diving in Boracay

night diving boracay mandarin fish

Night Diving in Boracay: Discover the Magic Beneath the Moonlit Waves

Why Night Diving in Boracay Is a Must-Experience Adventure

When the sun sets on Boracay’s vibrant shores, a whole new underwater world comes to life. Night diving in Boracay offers an extraordinary experience that’s vastly different from daytime dives. The ocean transforms, revealing nocturnal creatures and surreal landscapes illuminated by the soft glow of your dive light. If you’re ready to see Boracay in a completely different light—literally—then night diving is an adventure you shouldn’t miss.

What Makes Night Diving in Boracay Unique?

1. The Enchanting Nocturnal Marine Life As dusk settles, many of Boracay’s marine species that are hidden during the day come out to play. Night diving allows you to encounter creatures such as:

  • Mandarinfish: These vibrant, colorful fish are known for their twilight courtship dance.
  • Moray Eels: Often spotted slinking out of their daytime hideaways, moray eels are more active at night.
  • Crustaceans and Cephalopods: From octopuses to cuttlefish, night diving gives you the chance to see these fascinating creatures hunting for food.

2. The Bioluminescence Phenomenon One of the most magical aspects of night diving in Boracay is the chance to witness bioluminescence. As you move through the water, tiny plankton light up with a blue-green glow, creating a trail of sparkling light with every motion. This natural light show is something you’ll remember long after your dive.

3. A Different Perspective on Familiar Dive Sites Dive sites you might have visited during the day take on a completely different character at night. The once-bustling reefs become serene, and the interplay of light and shadow creates an atmosphere of mystery and wonder. Sites like Yapak and Crocodile Island are transformed under the cover of darkness, offering a fresh perspective and new discoveries.

Top Night Diving Spots in Boracay

1. Crocodile Island Known for its rich marine biodiversity, Crocodile Island is a favorite spot for night dives. The island’s shallow reefs are perfect for spotting sleeping parrotfish, nudibranchs, and a variety of crustaceans. The calm waters make it ideal for divers of all experience levels.

2. Yapak For the more adventurous, Yapak offers deeper waters and the possibility of encountering larger nocturnal predators like sharks and rays. The dive site’s steep walls are a haven for moray eels and hunting jacks, making for an exhilarating dive experience.

3. Angol Point A great spot for beginners, Angol Point features shallow reefs that are easy to navigate at night. Here, you’ll likely see a mix of nocturnal creatures, including cuttlefish and various species of shrimp. The sandy bottom is also a good place to spot elusive critters like the stargazer fish.

Essential Tips for Night Diving in Boracay

1. Proper Equipment is Key Ensure that you have a reliable primary dive light and a backup light. A strobe or marker light attached to your tank will help your dive buddy keep track of you in the dark. Also, consider using a dive computer with a backlight for easier reading of your gauges.

2. Stay Close to Your Dive Buddy Communication is different at night, so staying close to your dive buddy is crucial. Agree on hand signals before the dive and keep an eye on each other’s lights to maintain close proximity.

3. Take it Slow Night diving is all about observing the small details. Move slowly and take the time to explore every nook and cranny. The slower you go, the more likely you are to spot elusive nocturnal creatures.

4. Keep an Eye on Your Air Supply and Depth It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of night diving, but always keep track of your air supply and depth. Night dives can be disorienting, so make frequent checks to ensure you’re within safe limits.

Why Choose New Wave Divers for Your Night Diving Adventure?

At New Wave Divers, we specialize in providing unforgettable night diving experiences in Boracay. Our experienced dive guides know the best spots to encounter unique marine life and ensure that your dive is safe, enjoyable, and full of discoveries. Whether you’re an experienced night diver or trying it for the first time, we tailor our dives to meet your needs and skill level.

Dive into the Mystery of Boracay’s Nightlife

Night diving in Boracay is more than just a dive—it’s an exploration of a hidden world that few get to see. The combination of unique marine life, bioluminescent displays, and the serenity of the night makes it an adventure like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a beginner, night diving in Boracay will leave you with memories that last a lifetime. So grab your dive light and plunge into the unknown with New Wave Divers!

The Vibrant World of Parrotfish in Boracay, Philippines

parrotfish boracay philippines

The Vibrant World of Parrotfish in Boracay, Philippines

Introduction to Parrotfish

Imagine gliding through the crystal-clear waters of Boracay, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colors and bustling marine life. While scuba diving in Boracay among the many fascinating creatures you’ll encounter, parrotfish stand out with their vibrant hues and unique beak-like mouths. These incredible fish are not only a visual delight but also play a crucial role in maintaining the health of coral reefs. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of parrotfish, exploring their characteristics, behaviors, and the vital ecological roles they fulfill in Boracay’s rich marine ecosystem.

Understanding Parrotfish

Physical Characteristics

Parrotfish are easily recognizable by their vivid colors and distinctive beak-like mouths. These beaks are actually fused teeth that allow them to scrape algae from coral and rocky surfaces. Parrotfish can vary greatly in size, with some species growing up to 1.2 meters in length. Their vibrant scales can display a range of colors, including blue, green, pink, and yellow, making them one of the most visually striking fish in the reef.

Unique Features

One of the most intriguing features of parrotfish is their ability to change sex. Many species are hermaphroditic, meaning they can change from female to male at some point in their lives. This ability ensures the continuation of their species even when the population dynamics change. Additionally, parrotfish are known for their ability to produce a mucus cocoon at night, which acts as a protective barrier against predators and parasites.

The Role of Parrotfish in the Ecosystem

Coral Reef Maintenance

Parrotfish play a crucial role in the health and maintenance of coral reefs. By grazing on algae, they prevent the overgrowth that can smother and kill corals. This grazing behavior helps to maintain a balance in the reef ecosystem, allowing corals to thrive and support a diverse range of marine life. Their beak-like mouths are perfectly adapted for scraping algae off hard surfaces, a process that also helps to create sand.

Sand Production

Believe it or not, much of the white sandy beaches we enjoy can be attributed to parrotfish. As they feed on algae and coral, they excrete fine sand, contributing significantly to the sandy environments found in tropical regions like Boracay. A single parrotfish can produce hundreds of kilograms of sand each year, making them essential to the formation and maintenance of these beautiful beaches.

Parrotfish Behavior

Feeding Habits

Parrotfish are primarily herbivores, feeding on algae that grow on coral and rocks. This feeding activity occurs throughout the day, with the fish often seen nibbling away at the reef. Their powerful jaws and beak-like teeth enable them to bite off chunks of coral, which are then ground down in their pharyngeal teeth to extract the algae. This unique feeding process not only helps control algae growth but also aids in the creation of new habitats within the reef.

Social Structure and Reproduction

Parrotfish exhibit fascinating social structures and reproductive behaviors. They often form harems, consisting of one dominant male and several females. The dominant male is typically the most brightly colored, a trait known as sexual dichromatism. In the event of the dominant male’s death, the largest female in the harem can transform into a male, ensuring the continuity of the group.

Species of Parrotfish in Boracay

Boracay’s rich marine biodiversity means divers can encounter several species of parrotfish. Some of the most common species include:

  • Stoplight Parrotfish (Sparisoma viride): Known for its changing colors and distinct phases, ranging from red and green to a bright, stoplight-like appearance.
  • Princess Parrotfish (Scarus taeniopterus): Characterized by its brilliant blue and green hues, with striking yellow accents.
  • Queen Parrotfish (Scarus vetula): Notable for its large size and vibrant blue and green colors, often with a pinkish hue on the head.

Diving with Parrotfish in Boracay

Dive Sites

New Wave Divers offers access to some of the best dive sites in Boracay where you can encounter parrotfish. Notable spots include Crocodile Island, Friday’s Rock, and Balinghai, each offering a unique underwater landscape and abundant marine life. These sites provide excellent opportunities to observe parrotfish in their natural habitat, grazing on algae and interacting with other reef inhabitants.

Best Practices for Divers

While diving with parrotfish, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure their protection and the preservation of the reef ecosystem. Here are some tips for responsible diving:

  • Maintain Buoyancy: Avoid touching or standing on the coral to prevent damage.
  • Respect Wildlife: Observe parrotfish from a distance without disturbing their natural behavior.
  • Eco-Friendly Products: Use reef-safe sunscreen and avoid using plastic products that can harm marine life.

Conservation Efforts

New Wave Divers is committed to marine conservation and sustainable diving practices. They actively participate in reef clean-ups, coral restoration projects, and educational programs aimed at raising awareness about the importance of protecting Boracay’s marine environment. By choosing to dive with New Wave Divers, you contribute to these conservation efforts and help preserve the vibrant underwater world for future generations.


Parrotfish are not only one of the most colorful and captivating fish you’ll encounter in Boracay’s waters, but they also play a vital role in maintaining the health and beauty of coral reefs. Their unique feeding habits, social structures, and contributions to sand production make them indispensable to the marine ecosystem. By diving with New Wave Divers, you’ll have the opportunity to witness these incredible creatures up close and learn about the importance of marine conservation.

So, gear up and dive into the mesmerizing world of parrotfish with New Wave Divers. Experience the vibrant underwater paradise of Boracay and create unforgettable memories while contributing to the preservation of this precious marine environment.

Exploring Friday’s Rock Dive Site in Boracay, Philippines

Exploring Friday’s Rock Dive Site in Boracay, Philippines

Introduction to Boracay’s Underwater Paradise

Boracay, renowned for its powdery white sands and vibrant nightlife, is also a haven for divers seeking an underwater adventure. The island offers a plethora of dive sites, each with its unique charm and marine biodiversity. Among these, Friday’s Rock stands out as a must-visit destination for both novice and experienced divers. Managed by New Wave Divers, a 5-star PADI Dive Center, this site promises an unforgettable diving experience.

Location and Accessibility

Friday’s Rock is conveniently located just off the coast of Boracay, making it easily accessible for divers staying on the island. The dive site is named after the nearby Friday’s Resort, a landmark that simplifies navigation. With a short boat ride from the shore, divers can quickly reach the site, ready to explore the underwater wonders that await.

Dive Conditions and Best Time to Visit

The dive site boasts excellent visibility, often ranging from 10 to 30 meters, depending on the season. The water temperature remains warm year-round, averaging between 27 to 30 degrees Celsius, providing comfortable diving conditions. The best time to visit Friday’s Rock is during the dry season, from November to May, when the seas are calm and the weather is perfect for diving. However, diving during the wet season can also be rewarding, with fewer crowds and unique marine life sightings.

Marine Life at Friday’s Rock

Friday’s Rock is teeming with an incredible variety of marine life, making it a paradise for underwater photographers and marine enthusiasts. The site features a series of rocky outcrops and coral formations that serve as a haven for a diverse array of species.

Coral Gardens and Sponges

The site is adorned with vibrant coral gardens, including hard and soft corals, sponges, and sea fans. These formations provide shelter and feeding grounds for numerous fish species. The colors and textures of the corals create a stunning backdrop for any dive.

Tropical Fish

Divers can expect to encounter a plethora of tropical fish, including angelfish, butterflyfish, parrotfish, and clownfish. The resident schools of snapper and fusilier add to the vibrant underwater scene. The site is also frequented by larger species such as groupers and trevallies, offering a thrilling experience for divers.

Macro Life

For those with a keen eye for detail, Friday’s Rock is a treasure trove of macro marine life. Nudibranchs, shrimps, and crabs can be found nestled among the corals and rocky crevices. The site is also home to the elusive frogfish and pipefish, providing exciting opportunities for macro photography.

Unique Features of Friday’s Rock

Rock Formations and Swim-Throughs

One of the highlights of diving at Friday’s Rock is exploring its intriguing rock formations and swim-throughs. These natural structures add an element of adventure to the dive, allowing divers to navigate through narrow passages and discover hidden chambers. The play of light and shadow within these formations creates a magical underwater ambiance.

Cleaning Stations

Friday’s Rock is known for its cleaning stations, where cleaner wrasses and shrimp provide grooming services to larger fish. Observing the symbiotic relationships between these species offers fascinating insights into marine ecology. Divers often spot moray eels and even the occasional turtle visiting these stations for a quick clean-up.

Dive Experience with New Wave Divers

New Wave Divers offers guided dives to Friday’s Rock, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all levels of divers. Their experienced instructors and dive masters are well-versed in the site’s features and marine life, providing valuable insights and enhancing the overall dive experience.

Dive Briefings and Safety

Before each dive, the team at New Wave Divers conducts thorough briefings, covering the dive plan, safety procedures, and expected marine life encounters. This ensures that divers are well-prepared and confident as they embark on their underwater adventure.

Equipment and Facilities

New Wave Divers provides top-notch diving equipment and facilities, ensuring comfort and safety throughout the dive. Their commitment to maintaining high standards of service and equipment quality is evident in every aspect of their operations.

Conservation Efforts

New Wave Divers is dedicated to marine conservation and sustainable diving practices. They actively participate in reef clean-ups, coral restoration projects, and educational programs to raise awareness about the importance of preserving Boracay’s marine environment. By choosing to dive with New Wave Divers, you contribute to these conservation efforts and help protect the underwater paradise for future generations.


Friday’s Rock dive site in Boracay is a gem waiting to be explored. With its stunning coral gardens, diverse marine life, and unique rock formations, it offers an unforgettable diving experience. New Wave Divers, with their expertise and commitment to safety and conservation, ensures that every dive is both enjoyable and responsible. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a beginner, Friday’s Rock promises an adventure that will leave you with lasting memories of Boracay’s underwater wonders.

So, gear up and dive into the crystal-clear waters of Friday’s Rock with New Wave Divers. Discover the beauty and magic that lies beneath the surface of Boracay, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Exploring the Wonders of The Tribird Wreck Dive In Boracay

Exploring the Wonders of Tribird Dive Site with New Wave Divers Boracay

Exploring the Wonders of Tribird Dive Site with New Wave Divers Boracay

Boracay, renowned for its pristine beaches and vibrant nightlife, also boasts some of the most breathtaking dive sites in the world. Among these, the Tribird dive site stands out as a must-visit location for divers seeking an exhilarating underwater adventure. At New Wave Divers Boracay, we take pride in offering unforgettable diving experiences at Tribird, where history, marine life, and unique underwater landscapes come together.

The History of Tribird

Tribird is named after the wreckage of a Grumman TF-1 Trader aircraft, a historical relic from the 1950s. This twin-engine cargo aircraft, originally used by the United States Navy, found its final resting place underwater, creating a captivating dive site teeming with marine life. The wreckage, combined with the surrounding coral reefs and diverse marine species, makes Tribird a fascinating dive destination for divers.

The Dive Experience at Tribird

Depth and Conditions

Tribird is situated at a depth of 18 to 30 meters, making it accessible to divers with an Advanced Open Water certification. The dive conditions at Tribird are generally favorable, with visibility ranging from 15 to 30 meters, allowing divers to fully appreciate the intricate details of the wreck and the vibrant marine life that inhabits the area. The water temperature is typically warm, ranging from 26 to 30 degrees Celsius, ensuring a comfortable dive experience year-round.

The Wreck

The centerpiece of the Tribird dive site is the Grumman TF-1 Trader wreck. Over the years, the wreck has become encrusted with colorful corals and sponges, creating a stunning underwater tableau. Divers can explore the various sections of the aircraft, including the cockpit, cargo hold, and wings, each providing a unique perspective and a haven for marine creatures. The wreck is a photographer’s paradise, offering countless opportunities for capturing the interplay of light and marine life.

Marine Life

Tribird is home to an astonishing array of marine species. Divers can encounter schools of snapper, jacks, and fusiliers swirling around the wreck, while lionfish, scorpionfish, and moray eels lurk in the nooks and crannies. The corals and sponges that have colonized the wreck attract a myriad of smaller reef fish, including butterflyfish, angelfish, and clownfish. Macro enthusiasts will delight in spotting nudibranchs, shrimp, and other tiny critters that call Tribird home. The site is also frequented by larger pelagic species such as barracuda and trevally, adding an element of excitement to every dive.

Why Dive Tribird with New Wave Divers Boracay?

Expert Guides

At New Wave Divers Boracay, our team of experienced and passionate dive guides are dedicated to ensuring you have a safe, enjoyable, and memorable dive experience at Tribird. Our guides are intimately familiar with the site, allowing them to lead you to the best spots and point out the most interesting marine life.

Small Groups

We believe in providing personalized attention to each diver, which is why we keep our group sizes small. This approach not only enhances safety but also allows for a more immersive and enjoyable dive experience. You’ll have plenty of time to explore the wreck and interact with the marine life without feeling rushed or crowded.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

We understand the importance of reliable and well-maintained equipment for a safe diving experience. At New Wave Divers Boracay, we provide top-quality dive gear that is regularly serviced and maintained to the highest standards. Whether you need a full equipment rental or just a few items, we’ve got you covered.

Environmental Responsibility

We are committed to protecting the marine environment and preserving the beauty of Boracay’s dive sites for future generations. Our dive practices are designed to minimize our impact on the underwater ecosystem, and we actively participate in local conservation efforts. When you dive with us, you can be confident that you are supporting responsible and sustainable diving practices.

Tips for Diving at Tribird

Certification and Experience

As Tribird is located at a depth of 18 to 30 meters, it is recommended for divers with an Advanced Open Water certification. If you are a certified Open Water diver looking to explore Tribird, consider enrolling in an Advanced Open Water course with us to enhance your skills and extend your depth range.

Dive Planning

To make the most of your Tribird diving experience, we recommend planning your dive with the help of our experienced guides. They can provide valuable insights into the best times to dive, optimal routes through the wreck, and tips for spotting elusive marine life. Proper dive planning also includes checking your equipment, monitoring your air supply, and adhering to safe diving practices.

Underwater Photography

Tribird offers incredible opportunities for underwater photography, from wide-angle shots of the wreck to close-ups of marine life. Bring a camera with good low-light performance and consider using a strobe or flashlight to enhance the colors and details. Our guides can assist you in finding the best angles and compositions for your shots.

Respect the Environment

When diving at Tribird, it’s essential to follow responsible diving practices to protect the delicate marine ecosystem. Avoid touching or disturbing the wreck and marine life, maintain good buoyancy control, and refrain from collecting souvenirs. By diving responsibly, you help preserve Tribird’s beauty for future divers.

Tribird dive site is a captivating blend of history, marine life, and underwater beauty, making it a must-visit destination for divers in Boracay. With New Wave Divers Boracay, you can explore this incredible site with the guidance of expert dive professionals, in small, personalized groups, and with top-quality equipment. Whether you’re an experienced diver or looking to advance your skills, Tribird offers an unforgettable diving adventure that will leave you in awe of Boracay’s underwater wonders.

Book your dive at Tribird with New Wave Divers Boracay today and discover the magic of this extraordinary dive site. We look forward to diving with you!

Wish to know more about the diving in Boracay? Our team will be delighted to answer your questions and let us know why we should be your first choice when planning your dive vacation to the Philippines. We hope to hear from you soon!

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